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Thursday, May 14, 2009


thursday ..... 14/05/09

Fuhh....1st tym tuleh kt blog....xtau nk ckp baghu...huhuhuhu...neway,thanx to piya yg da tlg aja aku cane nk create blog senirik...sayang sama kamu,piya....mmmmuuuaahhhh...heheheh...arini xde yg best sgt pun tp pg td bru dpt gud kete aku da,pasni ley la g jenjln sbb da de kete..YEAYYYYY!!!!tp de 1 prob lg xsetel...lesen full xpat lg...menci2...kne tnggu next week bru dpt..hopefully lulus la...Amin! emmm...ptg ni pas keje nk g JJ(Jaya Jusco, some people dont noe wat JJ stands,kne tuleh penuh2 so owang len xkan confused!) nk g bli cadar...skang tgh ofer brand AKEMI(from rm839.00 can get RM160.00) mang rugi klu xbli tym tgh sale nie...heheheheh...arini bos aku g lunch kt tmpt yg sgt jauh..KUALA PILAH...tah ape yg diorg carik kt kole pilah 2 agk eh...tbe2 je g sne..da buang tebiat kut..or mayb diorg nk survey jln tuk g wedding abg azan nnti kot (abg azan adalah planner di tmpt aku keje nie, die nk kawen at d end of diz month, 30hb May 2009). kami da plan nk wat 1 rombongan staff IJM g runtuh khemah wedding abg azan n zila...hehehehe...mesti sonot nnti..g umah org kawen rmai2..ngan kengkawan ofis lak 2..sonotnye..sonotnye..rse cm xsabar2 la rse2 ili kot lg die plak yg nk kawen..heheheh..emm..alamak!bos da blk r plak..xbesh tul..k la,next tym smbung lg...let's go back to work! (sbb bos da blk dr lunch...huhuhuhuhu...)

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